Guidelines to support i18n

The phone app now supports i18n. In order to do that, we put most of the strings seen by the user in external files translated in different languages. To ensure i18n for the application, you have to follow some guidelines.

While working on native Android

Android provides a native support to localize its applications by using resources. By default, Android is storing its strings in xml files in the res/values/directory. If you want to localize those strings, you can create another values-<language> folder which will contains those same xml files but with your translations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="<key name>">value</string>

When you are creating your plugin for e-mission, you will want to put your strings into an external xml file to ensure the i18n support and then place the file in res/values. You can then call those strings in your code by using:

context.getString(R.string.<key of your string>);

It is also important to add the resource file in the plugin.xml, you can do it by adding the following line into it which will copy the file in the right directory when adding the plugin.

<resource-file src="res/android/values/<filename>.xml" target="res/values/<filename>.xml"/>
You can find further information in the Android documentation.

While working on native iOS

iOS uses the same logic as Android but the strings are placed in strings files instead of xml. Moreover, those files are placed in an en.lproj directory and the translated files in a <language>.lproj directory.

If you want to call those strings in your code, you can use NSLocalizedStringFromTable in Objective-C.

NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"key", @"filename", nil)

Like Android, do not forget to add the following line in your plugin.xml.

<resource-file src="res/ios/en.lproj/<filename>.strings" target="en.lproj/<filename>.strings"/>

You can find further information in the iOS documentation.

While working on the Cordova phone app

To support i18n in the phone app, we are using angular-translate. Each strings will be placed into the file i18n/en.json. You can define a namespace when you are working on a specific file to ensure a better readability.

    "trip-confirm": {
        "recenttrip": "Recent trip from: {{startTime}} &rarr;  to: {{endTime}}",
        "continue": "Continue",
        "done": "Done",
        "services-please-fill-in": "Please fill in the {{text}} not listed.",
        "services-cancel": "Cancel",
        "services-save": "Save"


When you want to read a string in your HTML file, you can do it by adding translate to the HTML tag and by putting {'key of the string'} between the tags.

<div translate>{{'trip-confirm.recenttrip'}}</div>

You can also define a namespace for the child of the tag by adding translate-namespace=<name of the namespace>.

<div translate-namespace="trip-confirm">
    <div translate>{{'.recenttrip'}}</div>

It is also possible to use variables within translations by simply adding the variables into the translation and then interpolating them by adding translate-values={variablename: variable}.

<div translate=".recenttrip" translate-values="{startTime: getFormattedTime(mapCtrl.start_ts), endTime: getFormattedTime(mapCtrl.end_ts)}"></div>

You can find more information about Variable Replacement in the doc.

In JavaScript

WARNING: Do not forget to add $translate to your controller or service.

If you want to retrieve the language used by the user, you can use:


To translate a string directly in the Javascript, you can use:

$translate.instant('key of the string');

Working with date

Because each language has different format for date and hour, we are using the JavaScript library moment to handle that.

To display hours in the adequate format, you can use:


To display date:


You can also use the following lines to retrieve weekdays and months:
